Monday, October 15, 2007

Week 3.5

We have heard from many of you that there just wasn't nearly enough time to complete week three's tasks, so we have declared this week 3.5. If you haven't yet started, there is still plenty of time to sign up and complete all 23 things between now and the end of the year. Last week the Friends of the Library agreed to fund the purchase of USB flash drives for each eligible Spokane Public Library staff member who completes the program, watch this space for more information about that. Have fun and be sure to take a look at the other participant blogs to see what your colleagues are doing.


magictime said...
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magictime said...

Is it Sumi's hands?

Judy said...

Thak you for extending the time. I may need some help.
Judy M.

Judy said...

Thank you for extending the time on this exercise. I may need some help. Judy

Judy said...

I am trying to leave a comment...3rd try. Guess I am learning something new here too.
Just wanted to thank you for extending the time for this exercise. Maybe you received the other two comments...not sure how this works.
Judy M.

Anonymous said...

It's Sumi.
Fiction Queen